Moral Alienation of People Living in the Network Virtual Society and Its Governance Path


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Journal of Guangzhou University (Social Science Edition) ›› 2017, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (3) : 56-62.

Moral Alienation of People Living in the Network Virtual Society and Its Governance Path

  • ZHANG Yuan1,2
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The intensification of the moral alienation of the network subjects is accompanied with the intensified loss of moral reason. Their network behavior has evolved into external dissident forces. The network should be regulated with top-level laws and regulations, which need to be made, modified, canceled, and interpreted, so as to strengthen and standardize the order of internet communication, crack down the fake news reports, attack the network rumors, and clear the pornographic and vulgar information. When the authoritative department of China improves the network moral behavior in line with China's national conditions and regulations, it may learn from the foreign network moral behavior rules and norms, and consider the traditional Chinese ideological resources and moral factors. Furthermore, the borrowed foreign norms and the traditional domestic thoughts and moralities should be improved into laws and regulations with mandatory enforcement for the governance of the network behaviors. Reinforcement of moral education, use of high network technology, enhancement of the network management, etc may help isolate and eliminate harmful information to the maximum extent. Improvement of the network management mechanism will create a harmonious network environment.

Key words

network virtual societies / moral alienation / governance paths

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ZHANG Yuan. Moral Alienation of People Living in the Network Virtual Society and Its Governance Path. Journal of Guangzhou University (Social Science Edition). 2017, 16(3): 56-62


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