Hotel industry is a major carrier of energy consumption, and it is undoubtedly urgent for it to take more responsibilities to operate under the developing pattern of low-carbon economy. The government has put forward proposals and promulgated some relevant policies, but how well are hotel enterprises as the main implementing party responding? Have any corresponding results been obtained? This paper firstly defines four types of hotel core stakeholders in related to this policy: government administrative departments, hotel managers, non-managerial employees and consumers. Then taking a domestic hotel group, the Guangzhou Grand Hotel Management Group as an example, and by conducting in-depth interviews with managers, non-managerial employees and consumers, this empirical analysis shows that different stakeholders start from their own perspectives and respond as follows: the government just remains in the initiative phase; hotel managers and non-managerial employees cooperate limitedly; and consumers cannot fully understand, which influence the implementing effects of the policy. Furthermore, this paper proposes a driving mechanism and points that government plays a critical role to ensure implementing the policy sustainably at present stage.
HE Yifei, LI Xiaoli, LUO Xiuju.
A Study on Hotel Core Stakeholders’ Response to the Hotel’s Policy of Low-Carbon Management. Journal of Guangzhou University (Social Science Edition). 2014, 13(4): 54-58
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