MIAO Shen-yu, ZENG Qing-chang, TAO Wen-qin, YANG Li-xiang, CHEN Jian-hui, WANG Hou-lin
2014, 13(5):
There are 1 942 species of generalized wetland vascular plants belonging to 177 families and 703 genus in China. Among them, 185 species belonging to 54 families and 112 genus and about 9.53% are alien. Among the alien wetland species, there are 8 species classified as invasive alien species in China, all from America. Spartina alterniflora, Eichhornia crassipes, and Alternanthera philoxeroides are typical wetland plants, the other 5 species listed as Mikania micrantha, Wedelia trilobata, Sorghum halepense, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, and A. trifida have higher adaptive ability to wetland habitats. Most of the alien species about 56.22% are from America. Asteraceae has 17 genus and 21 species, Echinodorus has 14 species for the largest family and genus, respectively. There are only 10 species of tree types. Hydrophytes have 115 species for about 65.71% in herbs.To ensure the ecological safety, ecological effect risk assessments should be taken before introducing the cultivated species.